Cost of Running Classification
    • 20 May 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Cost of Running Classification

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    Article summary

    These are the primary cost components in running the Acante service:

    • Compute: the Acante lambda Sampler service is currently provisioned at 1 vCPU. The short-lived lambda cost should be minimal.
    • S3 Buckets: the data volume will be less than 1GB, this cost should be minimal
    • SQS Queue: this cost should be minimal
    • Network Bandwidth: the meta-data such as classification results are transferred via S3 Sync
    • S3 Sync: the meta-data such as classification is < 1GB, this cost should be minimal
    • AWS Macie: primary cost item. We have configured an upper limit on this
    • One-time cost of Backward Scanning: Macie costs can be capped at a predefined level and sampling levels are adapted to fit within the cap. Macie is free up to 1GB of data scanned, and $1/GB after that. Average sampling rates below <0.5% are practical with Acante's patented Adaptive Classification Engine massively reducing costs while maintaining high accuracy.
    • Ongoing cost of Forward Scanning: Over time, Acante samples and classifies only objects that have changed. This ongoing cost is typically at least 1 order of magnitude lower than the One-time cost above.