GET /datastore
    • 23 Jan 2024
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    GET /datastore

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    Article summary

    GET /datastore


    Use this API to extract data context on any datastore. For RDS this will return the details of all the databases in the RDS instance.
    #### Example

    curl -i -X GET -G https://<api-gateway-url>/v1/datacatalog-backend/datastore \
      -H "x-api-key: <api-key>" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \
      -d datastore_arn="arn:aws:rds:us-east-2:123456789012:db:my-mysql-instance-1"



    • TYPE: String
    • Description: The unique resource identifier from AWS or Databricks



        "access_activity_label":"...", // OPTIONAL: Low, Medium, High

    Response Field Descriptions

    Response is an array of Datastores and their data context. For each datastore, following fields are provided:

    Response FieldDescription
    datastoreNameName of datastore e.g. S3 bucket name or database name in the RDS instance
    resourceTypeDatastore type. Values can be {S3-bucket, SQL-RDS-mysql, SQL-RDS-postgres, Databricks-catalog, ...}
    sensitivityLevelPriorityHighest Sensitivity Level of the data present in the datastore. Values may be {P1-Restricted, P2-Confidential, P3-Internal, P4-Public} These values can be customized by the user in the Acante UI
    dataClassesData Classes for the data present in the data store. Values may be {PCI, PII, GDPR, …} Customer can define custom data classes
    highestRiskScoreCriticalityLabelHighest risk level for any tables in the database. These are Acante-defined. Values can be {Extremely High, Elevated, Moderate, Low, Minimal}
    highestRiskScoreCriticalityLabelDatasetsCountCount of tables in the database at the above highest risk level
    access_activity_labelIndicates access activity level (based on number of users, request count, data volume) for the datastore. “High” activity datastores are strong candidates for backup or similar data protection actions. Values can be {High, Medium, Low}