RDS database instance is configure to use a non-default port
    • 25 Aug 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    RDS database instance is configure to use a non-default port

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    Article summary

    Confirm Amazon RDS database instances are not using default ports. This includes default ports such as MySQL/Aurora port 3306, SQL Server port 1433, and PostgreSQL port 5432.

    Using a custom port can protect against potential brute-force and dictionary attacks.

    From the console
    Follow the Modifying an Amazon RDS DB instance docs to verify you’re not using a default. You can modify your port by modifying that DB instance settings.

    From the command line

    Run create-db-snapshot with your database instance and snapshot identifiers to create a snapshot.


        aws rds create-db-snapshot \
            --db-instance-identifier database-mysql \
            --db-snapshot-identifier snapshotidentifier

    Run modify-db-instance with a new, valid port number. A list of port numbers are available.


        aws rds modify-db-instance \
            --db-instance-identifier database-identifier \
            --option-group-name test-group-name \
            --db-parameter-group-name test-sqlserver-name \