Upgrading the Deployment in an Existing Account
    • 25 Sep 2023
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    Upgrading the Deployment in an Existing Account

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    Article summary

    Upgrading an Existing Deployment

    From time to time Acante will push updates to the components deployed within the customer VPC. Some of these changes will require an upgrade to the deployment, such as:

    • Change in permissions assumed by the cross-acount role or the lambda services to access additional telemetry
    • New configuration parameters that enable additional control of the deployed components
    • Bug fixes

    Material changes are infrequent and a monthly cadence of updating the deployment should be adequate. The upgrade sequence is as follows:

    1. Download the latest Terraform module from the Configurations page of the UI
    2. Unpack the files
    3. Copy over the files to the Acante folder from where you are managing the Terraform workspace
      1. Do not copy the dev.s3.tfbackend file
      2. Carefully merge the dev.tfvars with the tfvars file (e.g. dev-us-east-1.tfvars) you previously created, to bring in any additional variables
    4. Review the tfvars file (e.g. dev-us-east-1.tfvars) for any new inputs to be provided
    5. Follow the instructions in the README (as before) and run Steps 1-6 to upgrade