Configuring Private Link Connectivity
    • 16 Jul 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Configuring Private Link Connectivity

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    Article summary

    Private Link is a common secure connection mechanism many customers use to enable access to the Databricks Control Plane. To enable Acante Cloud to connect to your Databricks control plane, you need to register the Acante VPC Endpoint with Databricks for access. This needs to be done per region. Assuming you have Private Link already setup for existing use, follow these steps to complete the setup for Acante:

    1. On the Cloud Resources -> Network page select the VPC Endpoint tab. Register the Acante VPC endpoint to their account as detailed here.

    Account Network page.png

    Register new vpcendpoint copy.png

    1. Provide a VPC Endpoint Name.

    Register new vpcendpoint.png

    1. In the Configurations page --> Databricks tab of the Acante UI, note the Acante VPC Endpoint for the Region, enter here and Register the new VPC Endpoint.
    2. On the Private Access Settings tab, check whether the access setting for the workspace being onboarded needs to be updated.

    Update private access.png

    • If the Private Access Level is set to Account, nothing else needs to be done.

    Private access setting_ Account.png

    • If the Private Access Level is set to Endpoint, then also check and add the Acante VPC endpoint registered above.

    Update private access endpoint copy.png

    Press Update private access setting